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   Stockwell Farms Home

Available vegetables

Edible Flower Uses

Stockwell Farms

Fresh,  locally grown plants, vegetables and herbs in Colebrook, NH.  Farm Stand by the road is open 1PM to 5PM!  Call 802-363-8022 for assistance. See list for available vegetables, herbs and plants. Freeze Dried vegetables are also available. Potted plants are available. Orders can be made by email (deanastock@aol.com). Orders can be paid by cash, check or PayPal and picked up at the farm.  

To see Stockwell Farms Vegetable, Herb, and Plant Availability Details click here!




Deer at Stockwell Farms June 21, 2010

Moose at the farm June 3, 2010

Our Mission

To provide all natural foods, nutrition and health information and products.

Contact Information

Questions or comments can be emailed to Dean Stockwell, Nutrition Professional, using the link below. 

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Postal address
457 Diamond Pond Road, Colebrook, NH 03576
Electronic mail
General Information: DeanAStock@aol.com
Webmaster: DeanAStock@aol.com